The White African

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Monday, November 06, 2006

It's November!

We have flipped the calendar over to the next month, and a new picture of some landscape somewhere “where the grass is greener” is now on display in our kitchen. It's November now, Only 22 more days until my birthday, and until I will be getting my drivers permit! ( Look out world! =) )Halloween was last week, for that I went over and had a Bible Study at Alex’s house. ( Since Halloween was on a Tuesday this year ) I had way to much sugar, as would be usual for any child who went Trick or Treating. (And I didn’t even go! ) Then last Wednesday at youth group I was really happy because 3 new people joined the praise team! 2 more female vocalists and a bass piano player! We also have been invited to play for a Sunday service, and possibly for Side by Side this winter. Not much happened over the weekend. I went to Bible quizzing on Saturday, and I quizzed out for my first time ever! ( That’s where you answer 5 questions right in 1 quiz ) So I was happy about that. Then Saturday night we had a movie night, and Isaac, Chris and I practiced for Special Music. Then Sunday Isaac, Chris and I played Days of Elijah for special music. I thought it sounded really good and we got lots of compliments. ( Especially Chris because it was like the first time an Electric Bass guitar had been played in church for a while ) Then today I started school up again, and it went pretty well. Physics is making more sense thanks to my wonderful dad who should’ve like taken over the world by now with his insanely awesome brain! He is so cool to take time with to go over Physics with me. I’m going Deer hunting this Thursday, so I better start packing!


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